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The Friends of St. Benet's is the name of our PTA.  Our PTA is a group that comprises parents, carers, relatives and teachers of our School.  Our main aim is to raise valuable funds for the school and organise events that not only achieve those goals, but are also great fun for all.  Our two biggest events are the summer BBQ and Christmas Fayre.

We are just like you, parents and carers with children attending the school.  We have a lot of fun along the way, we are not an exclusive club, when your child joins St. Benet's you are automatically members of our PTA.

Anyone and everyone is welcome to come along to our meetings.  We try to keep them short as we appreciate free time is very precious to us all.  Please don't be shy - come along, especially if you have not been before.

If you have only a small amount of time to help there are always 'behind the scenes' jobs to be done.  For example, buying prizes, wrapping gifts, preparing games, baking cakes for cake sales etc.  The more hands involved, the lighter the work load for everyone.

All parents can help their child's school's fundraising by coming along and supporting the PTA events.


We can be contacted via our secret Facebook page (please let me know if you would like an invitation to join), on the playground or via our group email address

Don't forget to also have a look on to raise  money when you shop online.